Published: Huse et al., Cytometry 2019
Congratulations to Kanutte Huse and co-authors on their publication! Huse K, Wogsland CE, Polikowsky HG, Diggins KE, Smeland EB, Myklebust JH**, Irish JM**. Human Germinal Center B Cells Differ from Naïve and Memory B Cells in CD40 Expression and CD40L-Induced Signaling Response. Cytometry A 2019 Apr;95(4):442-449. PMID: 30838773. PMCID in progress. DOI. ** Co-corresponding authors…
Published: Greenplate et al., Cancer Immunology Research 2019
Congrats to Allie Greenplate, Danny McClanahan, Deon Doxie, Caroline Roe, Kirsten Diggins, Nalin Leelatian, and collaborators on their publication! Greenplate AR, McClanahan DD, Oberholtzer BK, Doxie DB, Roe CE, Diggins KE, Leelatian N, Rasmussen ML, Kelley MC, Gama V, Ferrell PB, Johnson DB, Irish JM. Computational immune monitoring reveals abnormal double negative T cells present across human tumor types.…
Published: Gandelman et al., Haematologica 2018
Congratulations to Jocelyn Gandelman and collaborators on the recent publication! Machine learning reveals chronic graft-versus-host disease phenotypes and stratified survival after stem cell transplant for hematologic malignancies. Gandelman JS, Byrne MT, Mistry AM, Polikowsky HG, Diggins KE, Chen H, Lee SJ, Arora M, Cutler C, Flowers ME, Pidala J, Irish JM**, Jagasia M**. Haematologica 2018…
Dr. Irish appointed at King’s College London
Dr. Jonathan Irish is joining King’s College London as Visiting Associate Professor and Honorary Senior Lecturer. This role grew out of the Irish lab’s longstanding collaboration with Dr. Shahram Kordasti, MSc, MD, PhD. focused on human immunology, immune based therapies, and blood diseases (e.g. Kordasti et al., Blood 2016, Deep phenotyping of Tregs identifies an immune signature for idiopathic aplastic…
Award: VICB Highly Cited Articles for Diggins publication
The Diggins et al., Methods 2015 manuscript describing a generalized, modular workflow for fluorescence and mass cytometry data analysis was awarded this month alongside publications from the Cortez and Lacy labs with a Vanderbilt Institute for Chemical Biology (VICB) prize for a high number of citations. Dr. Irish also spoke about this work at the VICB symposium in…
Ph.D. defense: Congrats Dr. Doxie!
Deon B. Doxie defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Quantitative Single Cell Analysis of Cancerous Cells During Therapy at Vanderbilt University, USA. Deon joined in May 2012 and defended in June 2018 after ~6 years in the Irish lab. Deon’s publications include first and co-first author papers in Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research and Cytometry B, a first…
Published: Doxie et al., Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research 2018
Congrats to Deon Doxie, Allie Greenplate, Jocelyn Gandelman, Kirsten Diggins, Caroline Roe, and collaborators on their publication! Doxie DB, Greenplate AR, Gandelman JS, Diggins KE, Roe CE, Dahlman KB, Sosman JA, Kelley MC, Irish JM. BRAF and MEK inhibitor therapy eliminates nestin expressing melanoma cells in human tumors. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research 2018 May…
Elected: Jonathan Irish joins ISAC Council
Jonathan Irish was elected as a 2018-2022 Council member of the International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry (ISAC). Together with the ISAC President, the ISAC Council forms the leadership of ISAC. Every two years, 4 members are selected in a competitive election and serve for 4 years.
Published: 2018 Diggins et al., Current Protocols in Cytometry
Congrats to Kirsten Diggins, Jocelyn Gandelman, and Caroline Roe on their publication! This protocol aggregates code, scripts, and examples for MEM that we use regularly in courses and research: Diggins KE, Gandelman JS, Roe CE, Irish JM. Generating Quantitative Cell Identity Labels with Marker Enrichment Modeling (MEM). Current Protocols in Cytometry 2017. NIHMS912131. PMC in progress. Pubmed.…
Published: Earl & Ferrell et al., Nature Communications 2018
Congratulations to David Earl & Brent Ferrell, co-first authors, and co-author Nalin Leelatian for their work that just came out in Nature Communications! Earl DC*, Ferrell PB*, Leelatian N, Froese J, Reisman B, Irish JM**, Bachmann BO**. Discovery of human cell selective effector molecules using single cell multiplexed activity metabolomics. Nature Communications DOI. *equal contribution. **co-corresponding authors.…