Published: Greenplate et al., Euro J Cancer 2016
Congratulations to Allison Greenplate and co-authors! Greenplate AR, Johnson DB, Ferrell PB, Irish JM. Systems immune monitoring in cancer therapy. European Journal of Cancer 2016. PMC4885747. Pubmed. DOI. ► This peer-reviewed review described the clinical cancer research advantages of combining systems immunology and human immune monitoring approaches using mass cytometry and machine learning. Figures from…
Published: Roussel et al., Human Innate Immunity 2016
Congratulations to Mikael Roussel and Allison Greenplate on this publication! Updates: Our animation of t-SNE/viSNE was selected for the book cover! The chapter introduces key ideas for Mikael’s peer-reviewed publication on myeloid cell biology, Roussel et al., Journal of Leukocyte Biology 2017. Roussel M, Greenplate AG, Irish JM. Dissecting complex cellular systems with high dimensional single…